What is NoSQL.

Praveena Thavarajah
2 min readMar 21, 2021

Many databases are used nowadays, therefore there is a confusion among us about NoSQL and SQL databases. I hope this blog will bring you a clear picture on NoSQL database and how it differ from SQL database.

Structure of NoSQL database

What is NoSQL database?

NoSQL means Not only SQL or non SQL which is new to industry. It does not follow the traditional steps when storing data. It follows a different method because it uses cloud storage due to advancement of the internet.

NoSQL databases are mainly four types as bellow,

1.Document databases

2.Key-value databases

3.Wide-column stores

4.Graph databases

Why NoSQL database?

NoSQL database was introduced to handle lots of data. It makes easier to store and retrieve data from the database which does not follow the tabular relational model which are used in the SQL database. For an example companies like Facebook, Twitter has to handle large amount of data everyday, so they need a flexible way to store and retrieve their data, therefore traditional method can not be followed. NoSQL entered to industry to store big data.


  • Scalable
  • Developer friendly
  • Data available at any time, therefore can access data regardless of the time and the place.
  • Faster
  • Flexible
  • Handle large amount of data.
  • Easy to update
  • Store any type of data.
  • Consistency
  • Have ability to query

Comparison between NoSQL database and SQL database.

Comparison between NoSQL and SQL.



Praveena Thavarajah

IT(Software Engineering) | Undergraduate @SLIIT | Junior SE (PHP) | Blogger |